Our first discussion of miracles (way back in 2016) was very interesting, but somewhat missed the mark of the topic. So we were very pleased to be able to tackle this important topic again with the help of a highly-respected scientist who has written a book on the subject.
Ian Hutchinson is a plasma physicist and Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT. His group's experimental research, producing confined plasmas hotter than the center of the sun, is an important contributor to the international effort to generate practical energy from fusion reactions, the power source of the stars. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and of the Institute of Physics, and he has served on numerous international fusion review panels and the editorial boards of four international physics journals. In addition to over 200 journal articles and two science text books, he has also written and spoken widely on the relationship between Science and Christianity. His book, "Monopolizing Knowledge," explores how the error of scientism arose and how it feeds today's culture wars and an excessive reliance on technology. His new book, "Can a scientist believe in miracles? An MIT professor answers questions on God and science," is based on the questions he has been asked at dozens of science and Christianity forums, and will be published by Intervarsity Press in September 2018.
This event included:
Dinner FREE for Caltech students, faculty, & staff
A talk by Dr. Ian Hutchinson
A conversation about how the compatibility / incompatibility of science & religion
Date: May 25th, 2018, from 6PM-8:30PM
Location: Dabney Hall at Caltech (map)
Our events begin with dinner and some time to meet others interested in the topic. Then our conversation gets kicked off with a talk by our distinguished speaker and a short Q&A. Then we gather in groups of 8-10 to ask questions and share our own perspectives on the issue.